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Almond Contractors are qualified certified drainlayers specialising in public and private drainage. We have in depth knowledge understanding water flow, NZ soil and land conditions and NZ best practice. 


We are approved contractors for a number of Tier 1 companies including, Auckland Council, Watercare, Innoflow, Fulton Hogan and Downer. We have completed a number of large storm water projects for Auckland Council which included open culverts and sleeving existing concrete culvert bridges.


We offer a range of drainage services which includes, public and private drainage, residential and commercial, house cuts and foundations, open cut and directional drillng, pipe bursting, electrofusion and butt welding, manhole installations, gross pollutant traps, wastewater treatment, water supply, storm water separation and stream works, coastal outfalls, leachate sites with contaminated ground, large storm water structures and subdivisions. 



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